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Auto Fail Activities

Activities using unit linked funds can be configured to fail automatically if certain configured criteria are not met.


For example, a plan may require that partial surrenders equal at least a minimum amount. If the partial surrender is a percent of the policy, then the actual amount will not be known until guarantee prices are known.    Once these prices are known, if the value of the partial surrender is not equal to or greater than the specified minimum amount, then the activity will automatically cancel without intervention on the part of the user.


Rejected, or canceled, activities display in the Activity list with a status of Canceled, but are stored in the database as Shadowed.


Halt Processing

Activities can also be forced to suspend processing. When this occurs, a warning Warning Flag icon in OIPAicon appears in the Action column on the Activity screen. Users with security privileges can click the icon and force the activity to continue processing or cancel the activity.


The warning Warning icon icon will also halt processing if an activity is missing information that is required for processing. There are two ways to handle these errors:

  1. Click the icon to see an explanation for the error. Resolve the issue and then process the activity again.
  2. Click the icon to open it and reveal the Override checkbox. Check the box and then process the activity.



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